Class Internals


public final class Internals extends Object
Class which provides access to the internal API.

  • Method Details

    • getRawObjects

      public static byte[] getRawObjects(int cx, int cz)
      Gets the raw, serialized object data of a chunk (uncompressed). The byte order is little endian. The first byte is a control byte, the next 4 bytes represent the total amount of objects in this chunk.

       1 - version (byte)
       4 - number of elements (int)
           per element: 
       2 - type ID (short)
       8 - global ID (long)
       4 - player DbID (int)
       8 - creation date (long)
       4 - chunk x (int)
       1 - chunk y (byte)
       4 - chunk z (int)
       4 - position x within chunk (float)
       4 - position y within chunk (float)
       4 - position z within chunk (float)
       4 - rotation x (float)
       4 - rotation y (float)
       4 - rotation z (float)
       4 - rotation w (float)
       4 - scale x (float)
       4 - scale y (float)
       4 - scale z (float)
       2 - type ID (short)
       1 - variant (byte)
       4 - color (int)
       1 - status (byte)
       8 - info ID (long)
       4 - flags bitmask (int)
      Please note: The format may change in a future update!
      cx - the chunk x coordinate.
      cz - the chunk z coordinate.
      a byte array containing the raw, serialized and uncompressed object data of the chunk, or null if no object data exist in this chunk.
    • setRawObjects

      public static void setRawObjects(int cx, int cz, byte[] data)
      Sets new raw, serialized object data for a chunk.
      cx - the chunk x coordinate.
      cz - the chunk z coordinate.
      data - the new raw data you want to set for the chunk.
      Example: Move objects from chunk 5|-7 to chunk 5|-8 and delete them from the old chunk
      1//Get raw object data
      2byte[] objects = Internals.getRawObjects(5, -7);
      4//Assign object data to other chunk
      5Internals.setRawObjects(5, -8, objects);
      7//Delete all objects in old chunk (just assign null)
      8Internals.setRawObjects(5, -7, null);
    • getRawConstructions

      public static byte[] getRawConstructions(int cx, int cz)
    • setRawConstructions

      public static void setRawConstructions(int cx, int cz, byte[] data)
    • getRawPlants

      public static byte[] getRawPlants(int cx, int cz)
    • setRawPlants

      public static void setRawPlants(int cx, int cz, byte[] data)
    • overwriteUIStyle

      public static void overwriteUIStyle(Player player, String path, Style style)
      Overwrites the style of any UI element on the screen (this also applies to built-in UI elements of the game)
      player - the player you want to change the UI element for.
      path - the name or path to the UI element you want to change.
      style - the new style you want to apply to the element.
    • overwriteInnerUIStyle

      public static void overwriteInnerUIStyle(Player player, UIElement element, String innerPath, Style style)
      Overwrites the style of a nested element of a UI element. Some elements (like scroll views or text fields) usually consist of multiple elements. The inner elements aren't accessible by default, but sometimes you may want to modify their style. Use this method to change the style of any nested element
      player - the player you want to change the UI element for.
      element - the UI element which contains the nested element you want to change.
      innerPath - the name or path of the nested element you want to change.
      style - the new style you want to apply to the nested element.
      See Also:
    • addUIElementToPlayer

      public static void addUIElementToPlayer(Player player, UIElement element, String target)
      Same as Player.addUIElement(net.risingworld.api.ui.UIElement), but allows you to set an arbitrary UI target (defined by the UI element path). You can use this to attach your element to a vanilla UI element, for example.

      You can use the uidebugger console command to enable the ingame UI debugger, which reveals the paths to built-in UI elements: If you provide no parameters, you will see the path of the hovered element in the top left corner of the screen. Right-click on the element to copy the UI path to clipboard. Alternatively you can provide the layer name to the uidebugger command, this will print all existing elements. This can be useful because some elements cannot be hovered.
      To disable the UI debugger, you can either enter the console command again, or hit the small x next to the path in the top left corner of the screen.
      player - the player you want to attach the element to.
      element - the UI element you want to attach to this player's screen.
      target - the target path to the UI element you want to attach this element to.
    • forceSyncAsset

      public static void forceSyncAsset(Player player, Asset asset)
      Forces the game to sync a particular asset with a player. By default, assets will only be synced with the player if any object (which uses the asset) is added to the player (e.g a UI element using a texture asset).
      Use this method if you want to force-sync any asset
      player - the player you want to force-sync the asset with.
      asset - the asset you want to foce-sync with the player.
    • println

      public static void println(String message, int colorID)
      Prints a message to the console, similar to System.out.println(), but with a specific color. Note: Due to limitations of the Windows console API, you cannot provide custom hex colors, instead only a few colors are supported (defined by an ID):

      Black = 0
      DarkBlue = 1
      DarkGreen = 2
      DarkCyan = 3
      DarkRed = 4
      DarkMagenta = 5
      DarkYellow = 6
      Gray = 7
      DarkGray = 8
      Blue = 9
      Green = 10
      Cyan = 11
      Red = 12
      Magenta = 13
      Yellow = 14
      White = 15
      message - the message you want to print to console.
      colorID - the color ID. Default color is gray (7).
    • reset

      public static boolean reset(boolean reload)
      Resets/Reloads or unloads all plugins. Use with caution!
      reload - true to reload all plugins, false to unload all plugins.
      true if the reset/reload could be performed, false if not.
    • getNumNetworkChannels

      public static int getNumNetworkChannels()
      Gets the total amount of network channels.
      the number of network channels.
      See Also:
    • getPendingNetworkEvents

      public static int getPendingNetworkEvents(int channel)
      Gets the amount of pending network events of a particular network channel. Usually this number should be mostly around 0. If it's increasing over time, it indicates that something is wrong.
      channel - the channel you want to get the amount of pending events from.
      the amount of pending network events of the channel.
      Example: Print pending events of all channels
      1int channels = Internals.getNumNetworkChannels();
      2for (int i = 0; i < channels; i++) {
      3 int pendingEvents = Internals.getPendingNetworkEvents(i);
      4 System.out.println("Channel " + i + " pending events: " + pendingEvents);
    • setSceneElementActive

      public static void setSceneElementActive(Player player, String path, boolean active)
      Sets any element in the scene active/inactive.
      player - the affected player.
      path - the full path to the element in the scene.
      active - true to set the element active, false to set it inactive (invisible).
    • setSceneElementParent

      public static void setSceneElementParent(Player player, String path, String parent)
      Changes the parent for an element in the scene.
      player - the affected player.
      path - the full path to the element in the scene.
      parent - the full path to the new parent (or null to set no parent).
    • setSceneElementLocalPosition

      public static void setSceneElementLocalPosition(Player player, String path, float x, float y, float z)
      Changes the local position of an element in the scene.
      player - the affected player.
      path - the full path to the element in the scene.
      x - the local x position.
      y - the local y position.
      z - the local z position.
    • setSceneElementLocalScale

      public static void setSceneElementLocalScale(Player player, String path, float x, float y, float z)
      Changes the local scale of an element in the scene.
      player - the affected player.
      path - the full path to the element in the scene.
      x - the local x scale.
      y - the local y scale.
      z - the local z scale.
    • setSceneElementLocalRotation

      public static void setSceneElementLocalRotation(Player player, String path, float rx, float ry, float rz, float rw)
      Changes the local rotation of an element in the scene.
      player - the affected player.
      path - the full path to the element in the scene.
      rx - the rotation x component.
      ry - the rotation y component.
      rz - the rotation z component.
      rw - the rotation w component.