Class Constructions.ConstructionDefinition

Enclosing class:

public final class Constructions.ConstructionDefinition extends Object
  • Field Details

    • id

      public byte id
      Internal type ID of the construction
    • name

      public String name
      Name of the construction
    • type

      public Constructions.Type type
      Construction type
    • shapetype

      public Constructions.ShapeType shapetype
      Construction shape type
    • tilingmode

      public Constructions.TilingMode tilingmode
      Tiling mode
    • meshpath

      public String meshpath
      Path to the mesh asset
    • basestrength

      public short basestrength
      Base strength of the construction element (+additional strength depending on material)
    • relateditem

      public String relateditem
      Related item (which represents this construction element)
    • era

      public Era era
      Era/age this clothing piece belongs to
    • category

      public Constructions.Category category
      Construction category
    • isseparategeometry

      public boolean isseparategeometry
      If true, this construction element does not get baked into the construction mesh, instead it has a separate game object
    • scaleaxisx

      public Constructions.Axis scaleaxisx
      Determines in which direction(s) the elements will be resized if the player wants to resize it along x
    • scaleaxisy

      public Constructions.Axis scaleaxisy
      Determines in which direction(s) the elements will be resized if the player wants to resize it along y
    • scaleaxisz

      public Constructions.Axis scaleaxisz
      Determines in which direction(s) the elements will be resized if the player wants to resize it along z
    • resizekeepproportions

      public boolean resizekeepproportions
      If true, the mesh will keep its proportions when resizing it (useful for windows, for example)
    • supportssurfaceedit

      public boolean supportssurfaceedit
      If true, this element supports separate surface editing (i.e. ability to move and scale the surface independent of the rest)
    • supportsthickness

      public boolean supportsthickness
      If true, this element has a separate thickness parameter that can be changed while building
    • resetrotationafterplace

      public boolean resetrotationafterplace
      If true, the current selector rotation will be reset after placing this element
    • rowplacement

      public Constructions.Axis rowplacement
      Determines if this element can be placed in a row (defines which axes are supported)
    • supportedblocktypes

      public Constructions.BlockType[] supportedblocktypes
    • supportedtextures

      public int[] supportedtextures
    • startsize

      public Vector3f startsize
      Initial size of this element when first holding it in hands (relevant for selector)
    • pivotaxisflip

      public Constructions.Axis pivotaxisflip
    • pivotincluderotation

      public boolean pivotincluderotation
      Determines if the current element rotation should be taken into account when looking for the most suitable world pivot (in auto mode)
    • pivotasset

      public String pivotasset
    • debris

      public String debris
      Optional asset path to the debris prefab
    • renderrotation

      public Quaternion renderrotation
      Optional offset rotation when rendering the construction icon (default rotation will be multiplied with this optional rotation)
  • Method Details

    • synchronize

      public void synchronize()
    • getIcon

      public TextureAsset getIcon(int texture)
      Gets the ingame icon of this construction element as TextureAsset.
      texture - the construction element texture.
      the icon of this construction element.