Class Items.ItemInfo

Enclosing class:

public final class Items.ItemInfo extends Object
  • Field Details

    • id

      public short id
      Internal ID of this item info
    • itemdefinition

      public Items.ItemDefinition itemdefinition
      Definition of the affected item
    • type

      public Items.ItemInfoType type
      Item info type
    • itemtexture

      public int itemtexture
      Texture ID of the affected item
    • requiredobjecttype

      public Objects.Type requiredobjecttype
      Required object type for processing this item. If item does not require an object, it's Objects.Type.None
    • duration

      public int duration
      Duration in seconds until item action is performed (only relevant for cooking and smelting atm)
    • refuelvalue

      public int refuelvalue
      If used as fuel, this determines how much the furnace will be refueled
    • targetitem

      public Items.ItemDefinition targetitem
      If this item should transform into another item, this is the definition of the target item. May be null
    • targettexture

      public int targettexture
      If item transforms into another item (targetitem is not null), this is the target texture
    • targetstatus

      public short targetstatus
      Status of the item (or target item) after performing the action. If -1, status will be unchanged
    • targetvalue

      public float targetvalue
      Value of the item (or target item) after performing the action. If -1, value will be unchanged
    • targetcount

      public int targetcount
      Number of items after performing the action. If -1, count will be unchanged
    • targetitemoffset

      public Vector3f targetitemoffset
      Only for world items: Offset after performing the action
    • targetitemrotation

      public Quaternion targetitemrotation
      Only for world items: Rotation offset after performing the action
    • targetitemscale

      public Vector3f targetitemscale
      Only for world items: Scale after performing the action. If zero, the scale will be kept
    • valuedecrement

      public float valuedecrement
      Determines how much the value will decrease when performing the action
    • finalstatus

      public short finalstatus
      Determines the final status of the item after performing the action. If -1, status will be unchanged
  • Method Details

    • synchronize

      public void synchronize()