Class Items.ProjectileDefinition

Enclosing class:

public final class Items.ProjectileDefinition extends Object
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Accurancy of the projectile.
    Path to the projectile model.
    Bullet crack sound parameter ID
    Total amount of damage this projectile deals to players
    Total amount of damage this projectile deals to construction elements
    Total amount of damage this projectile deals to npcs
    Total amount of damage this projectile deals to objects, world, items etc.
    If true, the projectile is destroyed when it hits a target
    Range of the explosion (only for explosive projectiles)
    If true, this projectile creates an explosion on hit (or when it despawns)
    Hit sound parameter ID
    Internal ID of this projectile
    Impact impulse intensity that is applied when the projectile hits a target (e.g an item)
    Item which relates to this projectile (e.g arrow).
    Lifetime (in seconds) of this projectile until it despawns or explodes.
    Projectile mass.
    Max range of the projectile (until it despawns)
    Name of this projectile
    Penetration factor (max "thickness" in blocks projectile can pass through)
    If true, this projectile can be picked up again after hitting a target (requires itemname to be set)
    If true, the projectile may ricochet from a surface (depending on the angle of impact)
    Sound when projectile hits a target
    Fly speed of this projectile
    Splash damage this projectile deals (when it does not hit a player directly, instead impacts in proximity)
    Offset (along z axis) where the tip of this projectile is located.
    Projectile type (i.e is it a bullet or an arrow etc?)
    If true, this projectile is actually visible when fired
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • id

      public byte id
      Internal ID of this projectile
    • name

      public String name
      Name of this projectile
    • type

      public Items.ProjectileType type
      Projectile type (i.e is it a bullet or an arrow etc?)
    • itemname

      public String itemname
      Item which relates to this projectile (e.g arrow). Usually only relevant if projectile is pickupable. May be null
    • assetpath

      public String assetpath
      Path to the projectile model. May be null
    • damage

      public int damage
      Total amount of damage this projectile deals to players
    • damagenpcs

      public int damagenpcs
      Total amount of damage this projectile deals to npcs
    • damageobjects

      public int damageobjects
      Total amount of damage this projectile deals to objects, world, items etc.
    • damageconstructions

      public int damageconstructions
      Total amount of damage this projectile deals to construction elements
    • penetration

      public float penetration
      Penetration factor (max "thickness" in blocks projectile can pass through)
    • maxrange

      public float maxrange
      Max range of the projectile (until it despawns)
    • accurancy

      public float accurancy
      Accurancy of the projectile. 1.0 means 100% accurancy
    • speed

      public float speed
      Fly speed of this projectile
    • lifetime

      public float lifetime
      Lifetime (in seconds) of this projectile until it despawns or explodes. -1 for infinite lifetime
    • mass

      public float mass
      Projectile mass. Default: 1.0
    • explosive

      public boolean explosive
      If true, this projectile creates an explosion on hit (or when it despawns)
    • explosionrange

      public float explosionrange
      Range of the explosion (only for explosive projectiles)
    • splashdamage

      public int splashdamage
      Splash damage this projectile deals (when it does not hit a player directly, instead impacts in proximity)
    • impactimpulse

      public float impactimpulse
      Impact impulse intensity that is applied when the projectile hits a target (e.g an item)
    • tipoffset

      public float tipoffset
      Offset (along z axis) where the tip of this projectile is located. For small projectiles, this can be kept at 0
    • sound

      public String sound
      Sound when projectile hits a target
    • hitsound

      public int hitsound
      Hit sound parameter ID
    • cracksound

      public int cracksound
      Bullet crack sound parameter ID
    • visible

      public boolean visible
      If true, this projectile is actually visible when fired
    • ricochet

      public boolean ricochet
      If true, the projectile may ricochet from a surface (depending on the angle of impact)
    • destroyonhit

      public boolean destroyonhit
      If true, the projectile is destroyed when it hits a target
    • pickupable

      public boolean pickupable
      If true, this projectile can be picked up again after hitting a target (requires itemname to be set)
  • Method Details

    • synchronize

      public void synchronize()