Class Objects.ObjectDefinition

Enclosing class:

public final class Objects.ObjectDefinition extends Object
  • Field Details

    • id

      public short id
      Internal type ID of the object
    • name

      public String name
      Name of the object
    • type

      public Objects.Type type
      Object type
    • variations

      public int variations
      Number of additonal object variants. 0 means there are no additional variants available
    • strength

      public short strength
      Object strength (hit points)
    • relateditem

      public String relateditem
      Related item name. May be null
    • extent

      public Objects.Size extent
      Object size / extent
    • material

      public Objects.Material material
      Object material (i.e material this element mostly consists of, e.g wood, metal etc)
    • era

      public Era era
      Era/age this object belongs to
    • hitsound

      public String hitsound
      Hit sound
    • breaksound

      public String breaksound
      Break sound
    • placesound

      public String placesound
      Place sound
    • placetime

      public float placetime
      Duration how long it takes to place this element (in seconds)
    • placeableunderwater

      public boolean placeableunderwater
      Determines whether or not this element can be placed underwater
    • selectable

      public boolean selectable
      Is this object selectable?
    • pickupable

      public boolean pickupable
      Can this object be picked up?
    • iscraftingstation

      public boolean iscraftingstation
      Is this object a crafting station?
    • defaultstatus

      public byte defaultstatus
      Default status of this object when it is spawned
    • maxstatus

      public byte maxstatus
      Max allowed status for this object (min status is always 0)
    • paintable

      public boolean paintable
      Can the user paint this object?
    • mincolorrange

      public float mincolorrange
      Min range value (color alpha) when painting the object (0-1)
    • maxcolorrange

      public float maxcolorrange
      Max range value (color alpha) when painting the object (0-1)
    • defaultcolor

      public int defaultcolor
      Default color (RGBA as int) which is applied to this object initially. Default: 0 (black no alpha)
    • invertibleaxes

      public Objects.Axis invertibleaxes
      Determines if this object can be flipped / inverted along certain axes
    • minscale

      public Vector3f minscale
      Minimum xyz scale factor
    • maxscale

      public Vector3f maxscale
      Maximum xyz scale factor
    • scaleaxisx

      public Objects.Axis scaleaxisx
      Determines in which direction(s) the elements will be resized if the player wants to resize it along x
    • scaleaxisy

      public Objects.Axis scaleaxisy
      Determines in which direction(s) the elements will be resized if the player wants to resize it along y
    • scaleaxisz

      public Objects.Axis scaleaxisz
      Determines in which direction(s) the elements will be resized if the player wants to resize it along z
    • resizefactor

      public Vector3f resizefactor
      Determines how much the element should be resized along x, y and z (0-1). Default is 1
    • isplacetarget

      public boolean isplacetarget
      Determines if other objects can be placed on this object
    • freeplacement

      public boolean freeplacement
      Determines if object can be freely placed (otherwise it means the object can only snap to particular targets)
    • placeanywhere

      public boolean placeanywhere
      If true, this object can be placed anywhere (i.e on all objects, irrespective if they're a "placetarget")
    • rotationoffset

      public Quaternion rotationoffset
      Optional additional rotation that is applied to the model when placing it
    • selectorhelper

      public String selectorhelper
      Optional "helper" object (path to prefab) that's shown if the selector is active (e.g arrows etc). May be null
    • selectorhelperoffset

      public Vector3f selectorhelperoffset
      If there is a helper object, this is the local offset of it
    • selectorhelperrotation

      public Quaternion selectorhelperrotation
      If there is a helper object, this is the local rotation of it (euler angles)
    • selectorhelperscale

      public float selectorhelperscale
      If there is a helper object, this is the local scale of it
    • ignorebounds

      public boolean ignorebounds
      If true, bound checks are disabled for this object
    • boundscale

      public Vector3f boundscale
      Scale factors which will be applied to the object bounds when placing it. Smaller values to make the bounds smaller etc. Default is 1 1 1
    • adapttonormal

      public float adapttonormal
      Amount how much the object adapts to the ground / collision normal (depending on the pedestal type)
    • pedestal

      public Objects.Pedestal pedestal
      Base / pedestal of the object (i.e it's foundation or stand)
    • pivotasset

      public String pivotasset
      Path to the pivot asset. Used for object itself. Null if object has no pivots
    • pivotsnapping

      public Objects.PivotSnapping pivotsnapping
    • renderoffset

      public Vector3f renderoffset
      Optional offset of the object when rendering the object icon
    • rendertransform

      public Vector3f rendertransform
      Optional offset of the camera when rendering the object icon
    • renderrotation

      public Quaternion renderrotation
      Optional offset rotation when rendering the object icon (default rotation will be multiplied with this optional rotation)
    • renderlightintensity

      public float renderlightintensity
      Light intensity when rendering the object icon (0.0 - 1.0). Default: 1.0
    • renderscale

      public float renderscale
      Render scale, i.e scale factor for the object when rendering. Default: 1.0
    • variants

      Array containing all object variants. Variant 0 is always the default variant. Never null and always has a minimum size of 1
  • Method Details

    • synchronize

      public void synchronize()
    • getVariant

      public Objects.ObjectDefinition.Variant getVariant(int variant)
      Gets an object variant.
      variant - the variant. The default variant is always 0. The value is clamped automatically.
      the object variant.
    • getIcon

      public TextureAsset getIcon(int variant)
      Gets the ingame icon of this object as TextureAsset.
      variant - the object texture/variant. By default 0.
      the icon of this object.