Class Plant


public class Plant extends Object
Represents a plant which was planted in the world (or spawned naturally). This covers all kind of vegetation objects, e.g trees, scrubs, flowers etc.
  • Method Details

    • isValid

      public boolean isValid()
    • getGlobalID

      public long getGlobalID()
      Gets the unique global ID of the plant.
      the object global ID.
    • getChunkPositionX

      public int getChunkPositionX()
      Gets the x offset of the chunk (which contains the plant).
      the x chunk offset.
    • getChunkPositionY

      public int getChunkPositionY()
      Gets the y offset of the chunk (which contains the plant).
      the y chunk offset.
    • getChunkPositionZ

      public int getChunkPositionZ()
      Gets the z offset of the chunk (which contains the plant).
      the z chunk offset.
    • getTypeID

      public short getTypeID()
    • getDefinition

      public Plants.PlantDefinition getDefinition()
    • getPlayerDbID

      public int getPlayerDbID()
      Gets the database ID of the player who planted this plant. -1 for naturally spawned vegetation.
      the owner database ID, or -1 if this plant spawned naturally.
    • setPlayerDbID

      public void setPlayerDbID(int dbID)
      Changes the owner database ID (i.e the database ID of the player who should be considered the plant owner). Set to -1 to remove ownership.
      dbID - the unique database ID of the new owner, or -1 to remove ownership.
    • getCreationDate

      public long getCreationDate()
      Gets a unix timestamp (seconds) when this plant was first spawned / planted.
      a unix timestamp representing the creation date of the plant.
    • getWorldPosition

      public Vector3f getWorldPosition()
      Gets the world position of this plant.
      the global position.
    • getRotation

      public Quaternion getRotation()
      Gets the rotation of this plant.
      the plant rotation.
    • setRotation

      public void setRotation(Quaternion rotation)
      Sets the rotation of this plant.
      rotation - the new rotation you want to set.
    • getScale

      public Vector3f getScale()
      Gets the scale (along x, y and z) of this plant. By default, the scale is 1 1 1
      a new Vector3f containing the plant scale factors.
    • setScale

      public void setScale(float x, float y, float z)
      Sets a new scale for this plant.
      x - the new scale along x (width).
      y - the new scale along y (height).
      z - the new scale along z (depth).
    • setScale

      public void setScale(Vector3f scale)
      Sets a new scale for this plant.
      scale - the new scale along x (width), y (height) and z (depth).
    • getColor

      public int getColor()
      Gets the plant color. If no color is set, 0 is returned.
      the plant color as int rgba value.
    • setColor

      public void setColor(int color)
      Sets a new color for this plant.
      color - the new color as int rgba value.
    • setColor

      public void setColor(ColorRGBA color)
      Sets a new color for this plant.
      color - the new color you want to set.
    • isCut

      public boolean isCut()
      Gets whether or not this plant is "cut". This is only relevant for trees! If a tree is "cut", this plant object only represents a tree stump.
      true if this tree is cut (i.e it's only a tree stump), false if not.
    • getStrength

      public short getStrength()
      Gets the remaining strength of the plant (if strength goes to 0, e.g after hitting the plant, the plant breaks - or in case of trees, it falls).
      the plant strength.
    • setStrength

      public void setStrength(short strength)
      Sets a new strength for the plant. If you want to break the plant, call destroy(boolean) instead.
      strength - the new strength you want to set.
    • destroy

      public void destroy(boolean silent)
      Destroys the plant.
      silent - true if you just want to remove the plant, false if you want it to actually break (spawn debris, play break sound, make a tree fall etc)
    • setAttribute

      public void setAttribute(String key, Object value)
      Stores an attribute for this construction element. You can store any type. Note that all attributes will be reset upon server restart!
      key - the name of the attribute.
      value - the value/object you want to store. Set null to remove the attribute.
    • getAttribute

      public Object getAttribute(String key)
      Gets the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if no attribute is stored for that key.
      key - the name of the attribute.
      the attribute that is stored for that key, or null of the key does not exists.
    • hasAttribute

      public boolean hasAttribute(String key)
      Gets whether or not the provided attribute exists.
      key - the name of the attribute.
      true if the attribute exists, false if not.
    • hasAttribute

      public boolean hasAttribute(String key, Class type)
      Gets whether or not the provided attribute exists (also checks if it has a specific type).
      key - the name of the attribute.
      type - the type of the attribute
      true if the attribute exists and if it has the desired type, false if not.
    • deleteAttribute

      public void deleteAttribute(String key)
      Removes a player attribute. Does nothing if the attribute doesn't exist.
      key - the name of the attribute you want to delete.
    • getAttributes

      public Set<Map.Entry<String,Object>> getAttributes()
      Gets a set containing all keys and attributes of this object.
      Be careful when modifying the set, because that affects the attributes.
      a set containing all keys and attributes.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object