Class PlayerSetSpawnPointEvent


public final class PlayerSetSpawnPointEvent extends PlayerEvent
Called when a player updates a spawn point. Usually this only affects his own, personal spawn points (primary, secondary), except when changing the default spawn point via command (this affects all players).
  • Method Details

    • getSpawnType

      public SpawnPointType getSpawnType()
      Gets the type of the spawn point the player changes/updates.
      the respawn point type.
    • getOldSpawnPosition

      public Vector3f getOldSpawnPosition()
      Gets the previously set spawn position for this type (if any was set).
      the previously set spawn position for this type, or null if this spawn type wasn't set before.
    • getNewSpawnPosition

      public Vector3f getNewSpawnPosition()
    • setNewSpawnPosition

      public void setNewSpawnPosition(Vector3f position)
    • getOldSpawnRotation

      public Quaternion getOldSpawnRotation()
      Gets the previously set spawn rotation for this type (if any was set).
      the previously set spawn rotation for this type, or null if this spawn type wasn't set before.
    • getNewSpawnRotation

      public Quaternion getNewSpawnRotation()
    • setNewSpawnRotation

      public void setNewSpawnRotation(Quaternion rotation)
    • getOldSpawnName

      public String getOldSpawnName()
    • getNewSpawnName

      public String getNewSpawnName()
    • setNewSpawnName

      public void setNewSpawnName(String name)
    • getOldRelatedObjectID

      public long getOldRelatedObjectID()
      If the spawn point was previously tied to an object (e.g a tent or bed), this is the global object ID of this object. Else it's -1
      the previous object global ID, or -1 if the spawn wasn't tied to an object before.
    • getNewRelatedObjectID

      public long getNewRelatedObjectID()