Class WorldItem


public final class WorldItem extends Object
Represents an item that exists in the game world, for example an item that has been dropped by a player.
  • Method Details

    • getGlobalID

      public long getGlobalID()
      Gets the global ID if this item. This ID is unique, but it is only valid until the server restarts.
      the global ID of this item.
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid()
    • getDefinition

      public Items.ItemDefinition getDefinition()
      Gets the item definition of this item.
      the definition of this item.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Gets the ingame name (not the localized name) of the item.
      the name of the item, e.g "pickaxe".
    • getTypeID

      public short getTypeID()
      Gets the type ID of the item.
      the type ID of the item.
    • getVariant

      public int getVariant()
      Gets the item variant, i.e the texture of the item. For construction elements, for example, this is the texture.
      the variant/texture of the item. Usually this returns for most regular items.
    • getCreationDate

      public long getCreationDate()
      Gets the creation/spawn date of this item (timestamp in seconds).
      a unix timestamp (seconds) representing the creation/spawn date of this item.
    • getStack

      public int getStack()
      Gets the current stack size of the item.
      the stack size of the item.
    • getMaxStackSize

      public int getMaxStackSize()
      Gets the max possible stack size of the item.
      the max stack size of the item (between 1 and 64).
    • getValue

      public float getValue()
      Gets the current value of the item. Usually the value is used to describe a "fill level" or "charging level", for example it describes how much water is in a bottle etc.
      the value of the item. 0 for most items.
    • getStatus

      public short getStatus()
      Gets the current status of the item. The status is used to store additional information about an item (for example the water type in a bucket, or if an electronic device is switched on/off).
      the status of the item.
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(short status)
    • getModifier

      public Items.Modifier getModifier()
    • getDurability

      public int getDurability()
    • getRelatedPlayer

      public Player getRelatedPlayer()
      This function returns the player that is related to this item. Usually this is the player who has dropped the item.
      the related player of this item, or null if no player was found.
    • getWorldItemType

      public WorldItem.WorldItemType getWorldItemType()
    • setWorldItemType

      public void setWorldItemType(WorldItem.WorldItemType type)
    • getRelatedMetaObject

      public MetaObject getRelatedMetaObject()
      If this item belongs to a meta object (i.e if WorldItemType is WorldItemType.MetaObject), this method returns the meta object. Otherwise null is returned.
      the related meta object, or null if this item does not belong to a meta object.
    • getInfoDefinition

      public Items.ItemInfo getInfoDefinition()
      Only relevant if this item is processed by a meta object: Gets the item info definition of this item if it's processed by the meta object.
      the info definition of this item (only if item is bound to a meta object, else null is returned).
    • getProgress

      public float getProgress()
      Only relevant if this item is processed by a meta object: Gets the current item progression value (e.g smelting/cooking progress etc).
      the item progress value (if processed by a meta object).
    • setProgress

      public void setProgress(float progress)
      Only relevant if this item is processed by a meta object: Sets the current item progression value (e.g smelting/cooking progress etc). The max progression value is determined by the Items.ItemInfo definition.
      progress - the new progress value.
      Example: Set full progression for item
      1//Check if item is a meta object item (otherwise progress is ignored)
      2if (item.getWorldItemType() == WorldItem.WorldItemType.MetaObject) {
      3 //Get related item info
      4 Items.ItemInfo info = item.getInfoDefinition();
      6 //Set progress to "duration" (this is how long it takes until
      7 //the item is processed, i.e smelted/cooked etc)
      8 item.setProgress(info.duration);
    • setDespawnTimer

      public void setDespawnTimer(float despawnTime)
      Sets the despawn time (remaining seconds until item despawns). Only relevant for items that can despawn.
      despawnTime - the remaining seconds until this item should despawn.
    • destroy

      public void destroy(boolean silent)
      Destroys (i.e despawns) this item.
      silent - if true, the item simply despawns. Otherwise it breaks (spawns debris etc).
    • getPosition

      public Vector3f getPosition()
      Gets a Vector3f containing the current global x, y and z coordinate of this item.
      the global item position as a Vector3f (float).
      1Vector3f position = item.getPosition();
      2System.out.println("Item position: " + position.x + " " + position.y + " " + position.z);
    • setPosition

      public void setPosition(Vector3f position)
      Sets the global position of the item.
      position - a Vector3f (float) containing the global target position.
    • setPosition

      public void setPosition(float x, float y, float z)
      Sets the global position of the item.
      x - global X coordinate to set (horizontally).
      y - global Y coordinate to set (vertically).
      z - global Z coordinate to set (horizontally).
    • getRotation

      public Quaternion getRotation()
      Gets a Quaternion containing the current rotation of this item.
      the item rotation as a Quaternion.
    • setRotation

      public void setRotation(Quaternion rotation)
      Sets the rotation of this item.
      rotation - a Quaternion representing the rotation.
    • setPositionAndRotation

      public void setPositionAndRotation(Vector3f position, Quaternion rotation)
    • applyPhysicalImpulse

      public void applyPhysicalImpulse(Vector3f impulse)
      Applies a physical impulse to the item (applied to the center). Only works if this is a physical item.
      impulse - the impulse you want to apply to the item.
    • applyPhysicalImpulse

      public void applyPhysicalImpulse(Vector3f offset, Vector3f impulse)
      Applies a physical impulse to the item (applied to the position defined by the local offset). Only works if this is a physical item.
      offset - the local offset (relative to the item center) where the impulse should be applied.
      impulse - the impulse you want to apply to the item.