Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen

Called when a player is added to the admin list.
An Area describes an area in the game world.
A visual representation of an Area.
Abstract base class representing a reference to an asset.
The asset source, i.e where it is loaded from
The asset type
An AssetBundle which was created in Unity.
Post-processing effect: Screen-wide blur effect (gaussian blur).
Describes a bounding volume, represented as an axis-aligned bounding box (AABB), i.e the extends of the object along the x, y and z axis as well as the position of the center of the object.
Represents a box collider, which has an (optional) offset and a size
A callback.
Events that implement this interface are cancellable, i.e they can be cancelled by a plugin.
Post-processing effect: Chromatic abberation effect (sometimes also called color/scene fringing).
Represents an chunk.
Represents a chunk part.
An object representing the current clothes of players and certain npcs.
Represents a single piece of clothing.
Use the Definitions class to get a definition.
Optional special function of a clothing piece
Target race for a clothing piece (i.e which races can wear the garment?)
Determines which area of the body is covered by a clothing piece
Represents a collision shape.
Determines the type of the collision shape.
Post-processing effect: Color filter applied to the screen.
Represents a color consisting of a red, green and blue component (linear color space) as well as an alpha component (for transparency/opacity).
Represents a "ConstructionElement" which was placed in the world (or spawned naturally).
A batch to perform multiple construction place actions simultaneously.
Use the Definitions class to get a definition.
Construction type
Post-processing effect: Screen contrast adjustment.
Use the Definitions class to get a definition.
General recipes category, ordered (ordinal)
All subcategories, ordered (ordinal)
Crosshairs (visible in the center of the screen).
Represents a custom image (i.e a "poster").
Post-processing effect: Dark tone adjustment, i.e adjustment of dark areas / shadows on the screen.
Database interface which represents a connection to an SQLite or MySQL database.
An enum to determine the database type (SQLite, MySQL etc).
A static class which provides access to various game definitions.
Optional restrictions when performing terrain modifications.
Base class for all events.
Annotation to mark a method to be called by an event.
Called when an explosion is triggered (e.g caused by tnt).
Post-processing effect: Fixed exposure effect.
Post-processing effect: Film grain (noise) effect.
Determines the noise type (and size) of the film grain effect
Post-processing effect: Global fog.
All game modes.
"Empty" base class for all custom elements.
Attach target used in conjunction with the attachTo() methods.
Post-processing effect: Highlight adjustment, i.e adjustment of bright areas on the screen.
Post-processing effect: Screen hue shift.
Represents a hull collider, i.e a rough representation of a mesh collider
Triggered when an input command was received by the server process, or more precisely, an input command which was received from the input stream.
Class which provides access to the internal API.
Represents the inventory of a player (both online or offline players).
Determines the "inventory type" or "slot type", i.e the category in the inventory (regular inventory items, hotbar, equipment etc.)
Represents an item that exists in the inventory of a player or in a storage box.
Please note that this item does not really exists in the game world.
Represents a blueprint item in the inventory of a player or in a storage box.
A blueprint item is a ready-to-use blueprint (this does not apply to empty blueprints!), i.e a blueprint item representing an actual blueprint.
Represents a clothing item in the inventory of a player or in a storage box.
This is any type of clothes (or headgear or accessory).
Represents a construction item in the inventory of a player or in a storage box.
This is, for example, a block.
Represents an object item in the inventory of a player or in a storage box.
This is, for example, a furniture item.
Use the Definitions class to get a definition.
General item category.
Determines in which hand an item is being held
Item material (i.e material item consists of, e.g stone, wood, metal etc)
Item modifiers.
The general item type
General weapon type
Called when a world item transforms, i.e when the item id changes.
Determines why the ItemTransformEvent was triggered exactly (i.e what caused the item to transform).
Supported keys for player input.
Called every tick after the UpdateEvent has been called.
All layers the game currently uses.
Post-processing effect: Screen distortion effect.
Represents a light source.
Implement this interface if your class should listen for any events.
Represents a material, which descibes the visual appearance of a game object.
Represents a Mesh which can be populated programmatically.
Represents a mesh-accurate collision shape
Possible button combinations for built-in message boxes.
Represents a meta object, which is typically any kind of processing station, e.g a furnace, grinders, cooking station etc.
Abstract class representing all meta object events.
Called when the status of a meta object changes, e.g if a furnace is turned on/off, runs out of fuel etc.
Post-processing effect: Midtone adjustment, i.e adjustment of medium shades on the screen.
Represents a custom 3d model or mesh.
Represents a 3D model file.
You can use this object to get more control over the import settings for models.
Mouse buttons.
Represents an npc, i.e animals, humans, monsters etc.
Called when a garment was added to an npc.
Called when a saddle bag is attached to the saddle of an npc/mount.
Please note: The NpcAddClothesEvent is also called when a saddle bag is added
Called when a saddle is added to an npc/mount.
Please note: The NpcAddClothesEvent is also called when a saddle is added
Called when an npc takes any kind of damage (e.g fall damage).
Determines why the NpcDamageEvent was triggered exactly (i.e what's causing the damage).
Called when an npc dies.
Determines why the NpcDeathEvent was triggered exactly (i.e why the npc actually died).
Called when an npc attacks another npc.
Called when a garment was removed from an npc.
Called when a saddle bag is removed from an npc/mount.
Please note: The NpcRemoveClothesEvent is also called when a saddle bag is removed
Called when a saddle is removed from an npc/mount.
Please note: The NpcRemoveClothesEvent is also called when a saddle is removed
Use the Definitions class to get a definition.
Determines how the npc reacts when being attacked
Describes the default npc behaviour
Enum containing all corpse types, i.e what the game will do or spawn when the npc dies
Optional gender of the npc
Enum containing the loot types of the npc, i.e how it can be looted specifically
Npc type, i.e whether it's an animal, human etc.
Called when an npc is about to spawn.
Called when an npc transforms, i.e when the npc id changes.
Determines why the NpcTransformEvent was triggered exactly (i.e what caused the npc to transform).
Represents an "ObjectElement" which was placed in the world (or spawned naturally).
Use the Definitions class to get a definition.
Object type
Operating system enumeration.
Represents a plant which was planted in the world (or spawned naturally).
Called when a plant grows (i.e transition to next growth stage).
Note: Most growable plants have multiple "growth stages", so a sapling usually never turns into a fully grown plant directly.
Holds data about a plant.
A batch to perform multiple vegetation place actions simultaneously.
Use the Definitions class to get a definition.
Plant approximate size / extents
Plant type
Gets the current platform, or more precisely, the type of the version (e.g whether it's a standalone version or a Steam version etc)
Represents a player.
Represents the player state.
Called when a player gets banned.
Called when a player changes his block position (for example by moving).
Called when a player paints a construction element.
Called when a player changes the equipped item.
Called when a player changes his local game mode (i.e by using the command "setgamemode" or "gm").
Called when a player paints an object (i.e changes the color of an object element, e.g furniture, doors etc).
Called when the info ID of an object changes.
Called when the player changes the status of an object.
Called when a player changes his position (for example by moving).
Called when a player changes his ingame screen resolution.
Called when a player changes this state.
Called when a player sends a chat message.
Called when a player enters a command into chat.
Called when a player connects to the server.
Base class for any kind of interactions (destroy, pickup, use etc) with construction elements (planks, beams, windows, posters etc).
Called when a player consumes an item, e.g eats an apple.
Called when the player crafts an item.
Called when a player creates a new area (create mode F9 tools).
Called when a player wants to create a new blueprint (i.e when he has already selected an area and wants to finally create the blueprint).
Called when a player uses the creative placement tools (F6) to place vegetations.
Called when a player uses the creative removal tools (F7) to remove a construction element.
Called when a player uses the creative removal tools (F7) to remove an object (e.g furniture).
Called when a player uses the creative removal tools (F7) to remove a plant.
Called when a player uses the creative terrain edit tools (F5) to edit the terrain (e.g remove, place, smooth etc).
Called when a player takes damage (e.g fall damage).
Determines why the PlayerDamageEvent was triggered exactly (i.e what's causing the damage).
Called when a player dies.
Determines why the PlayerDeathEvent was triggered exactly (i.e what killed this player).
Called when a player destroys a construction element.
Called when a player destroys an object (furniture, doors, lamps etc).
Called when a player digs a hole, i.e destroys terrain.
Called when a player destroys a plant (e.g cuts a tree).
Called when a player disconnects.
Called when a player dismounts an npc / animal (e.g a horse).
Called when a player drinks water from a pond.
Called when the player drops an item.
Called when a player drops an item from a storage (e.g a chest).
Called when a player edits a construction element (e.g changes texture, rotation, position etc).
Veraltet, zur Entfernung: Dieses API-Element wird in einer zukünftigen Version entfernt.
Do not use! Use PlayerGameObjectHitEvent instead!
Veraltet, zur Entfernung: Dieses API-Element wird in einer zukünftigen Version entfernt.
Do not use! Use PlayerGameObjectHitEvent instead!
Veraltet, zur Entfernung: Dieses API-Element wird in einer zukünftigen Version entfernt.
Do not use! Use PlayerGameObjectHitEvent instead!
Called when a player enters a new Area
Called when a player enters a new chunk.
Called when a player enters a new sector (island sector).
Called when a player enters a vehicle.
Called when a player enters a new world part.
Base class for all player events.
Called when a player exits a vehicle.
Called when a player hits a game object.
Called when a player interacts (i.e presses the interaction key) with a game object.
Called when a player hits a construction element (e.g planks, beams, posters etc).
Called when a player hits a world item
Called when a player hits / attacks an npc.
Called when a player hits an object (e.g furniture, doors, lamps etc).
Called when a player hits / attacks another player.
Called when a player hits terrain with a tool (e.g pickaxe).
Called when a player hits a plant (e.g a tree, bush, flowers etc).
Called when a player hits water with a tool (e.g pickaxe).
Triggered when an "illegal state" error occurs for a player.
Called when an item is added to the players inventory.
Called when an item in inventory gets modified.
Called when an item in the players inventory is moved to another slot in the inventory.
Called when an item is moved from the player inventory to a storage (e.g a chest).
Called when a player presses or releases a key on his keyboard.
Called when a player gets kicked.
Called when a player leaves an Area
Called when the location ticker text (lower left corner of the screen) of the player changes.
Called when a player mounts an npc / animal (e.g a horse).
Called when a player presses or releases a mouse button.
Base class for all player - npc related events.
Called when a player interacts (i.e presses the interaction key) with an npc.
Called when a player accesses the inventory of an npc (when he accesses the saddle bags of a mount, for example).
Base class for any kind of interactions (destroy, pickup, use etc) with objects (like furniture, doors, lamps etc).
Called when a player interacts (i.e presses the interaction key) with a default game object (e.g furniture).
Called when the permission group of a player changes.
Called when the player picks up a world item.
Called when a player wants to place a blueprint, i.e a blueprint which was already created previously.
Called when a player places a construction element.
Called when a player replants grass.
Called when a player places an objects (furniture, doors, lamps, chests etc).
Called when a player places terrain (i.e dirt, stone, gravel etc) in the world.
Called when the player places a plant (saplings, seedlings etc).
Called when a player places water in the world.
Called when a player interacts (i.e presses the interaction key) with another player.
Called when a player sends a private message to another player.
Called when the player "processes" an item in his inventory.
Called when a player removes a construction element without destroying it, i.e.
Called when a player removes/cuts grass.
Called when a player removes an object (furniture, doors, lamps etc) without destroying it (usually this is called when a player deconstructs an object, i.e.
Called when a player removes a plant without destroying it.
Called when a player removes water.
Called when a player respawns after death.
Called when a player changes the text on a sign.
Called when a player updates a spawn point.
Called when a player spawns after connecting.
Called when a player starts fishing.
Called when a player starts flying (F2)
Called when a player stops fishing.
Called when a player stops flying (F2)
Called when a player accesses a storage object (e.g a chest).
Called when an item in a storage is moved to another slot in the storage.
Called when an item is moved from a storage (e.g a chest) to the player inventory.
Called when a player takes off on a garment.
Called when a player is teleported to another location.
Determines what caused the teleportation
Called when a player opens or closes the inventory.
Called when an item in inventory is dragged & dropped on a UIElement.
Called when a player enters a text into a UITextField, or more precisely, once he either presses enter or once the textfield loses the focus (i.e the player clicks somewhere else)
Called when a player changes a UITextField, i.e when he enters or removes any characters to/from the text field.
Called when the player status updates (e.g hunger, thirst, temperature etc).
Status update type
Base class for any kind of interactions (destroy, pickup, plant etc) with vegetations.
Base class for all player - vehicle related events.
Called when a player fires a weapon (includes firearms and other ranged weapons like bows, but also spears, grenades etc).
Called when a player reloads a weapon.
Called when a player puts on a garment.
Base class for all player world/terrain events.
Plugin is the base class for all plugins.
Handles various post processing effects.
Represents a local (or global) post-processing volume in the scene.
Represents a custom prefab.
Represents a prefab.
Called when a projectile was fired.
Called when a projectile hits a target.
Determines the hit target type.
A quaternion which describes a rotation.
Represents the result of a raycast.
Triggered when the game or server is fully initialized.
Called when a player is removed from the admin list.
Post-processing effect: Screen color saturation adjustment.
Represents the server object.
Server type
Called when the game/server shuts down.
Represents a sign object.
An object representing the current visual appearance of players and human npc.
Called when the night will be skipped (this happens when all players are sleeping in a bed during night time).
Represents a sound instance (typically bound to a particular player).
Represents a custom audio file (this could either be a sound effect or a music track).
Spawn point types.
Represents a sphere collider, which has an (optional) offset and a radius
Represents a storage.
Represents the style of an UIElement.
StyleEnum<T extends Enum>
Represents a UI Style Sheet (USS).
Represents a 3d world text
Represents a texture / image asset.
Determines the call mode for events.
Represents the ingame time and date.
A timer which executes at specified intervals.
Base UI element.
Represents a label.
Represents a UI mesh.
A simplified version of the UIMesh element.
Represents a dynamic scroll view.
When adding a root UI element to the player UI, this flag determines where the element will be attached to.
Represents a text field, i.e an element where the player can enter text.
Called every tick.
Utils class which holds several static classes with various static helper functions.
Contains various array-related helper methods.
Contains various byte functions, i.e encryption and compression of byte arrays etc.
Chunk related functions, including conversion of global positions to chunk/block positions and vice versa.
Contains various file function, including file access, reading or writing to files, or getting the md5 checksum of a file.
General game related functions.
Image utils.
Contains useful math functions.
Various String functions, i.e functions to check if certain strings are numeric, getting checksums of strings, and conversion utils.
Various system functions providing access to information about the underlying hardware and operating system.
Vector functions.
A Vector which holds two float values: X and Y
It can be used to represent a two dimensional value, like a horizontal position or screen coordinates.
A Vector which holds two int values: X and Y
It can be used to represent a two dimensional value, like a horizontal integer position.
A Vector which holds three float values: X, Y and Z
It can be used to represent a three dimensional value, like a position or a direction.
A Vector which holds three int values: X, Y and Z
It can be used to represent a three dimensional value, like an integer position (e.g a block position or a chunk offset).
A Vector which holds four float values: X, Y, Z and W
It can be used to represent a four dimensional value.
Represents a vehicle
Use the Definitions class to get a definition.
General vehicle category.
Vehicle component type
Determines which hand is used to operate the vehicle
Vehicle stage
Transmission type
Vehicle type
Post-processing effect: Vignette effect (color applied to the corners of the screen).
Called when the weather changes.
Use the Definitions class to get a definition.
Post-processing effect: White balance effect.
Represents the current server world.
Provides access to the current world database.
Represents a particular world database.
Perform multiple world/terrain edits at once.
Represents an item that exists in the game world, for example an item that has been dropped by a player.